Preschool and Daycare come in all shapes and sizes, providing care that reflects the diverse community in which we live. A set of well-developed policies and procedures should be central to high-quality provision.
The development of appropriate policies and procedures will underpin our legal responsibility to ensure the welfare of children, staff and parents. Preschool and Daycare should ensure that all policies and procedures fully incorporate equal opportunities within their framework.
A carefully formulated set of policies and procedures will constantly be evolving. The policies in this publication meet the requirements set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in England and help Preschool and Daycare to develop policies and procedures.
The following terms are used throughout this publication and refer to:
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) – the statutory framework for care and early learning in England. A revised framework was published in March 2017 and came into force on 3 April. It is mandatory for all early years providers, including maintained schools, non-maintained schools; independent schools; all providers on the Early Years Register; and all providers registered with an early year’s childminder agency.
Parents – refers to mothers, fathers, legal guardians, and looked-after children’s primary carers. There may also be other significant adults in children’s lives and other relatives who care for them. We may want to adapt the documents to use the most comfortable terminology.
Communicating our Policies and Procedures
Communicating with parents
Parents should be informed about preschool and daycare policies and procedures – this is the philosophy that underpins the service we offer and is a legal requirement of the EYFS. It affects both their legal contract and personal relationship with us and should, therefore, be discussed during the registration process and available freely in the preschool and Daycare, e.g. in a reception area or on the website. Parents’ views should be sought during reviews of policies and procedures, and any changes should be communicated to parents through the most appropriate person, e.g. Manager or key person, notice boards, newsletters and parent’s evenings.
Section 1: The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
A revised Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) was published in March 2017 for implementation in April 2017. The main changes include amendments to child protection requirements, qualifications and health and medicine.
EYFS continues to require providers to have systems in place to follow health and safety legislation, meet the Equality Act 2010 (in England), and be responsible for appropriately managing children’s behaviour. It is in your best interests to have written policies to support practice consistency across staff, provide clarity for parents, and promote quality for children and families.
The following written policies are still legal requirements in the EYFS 2017 for group provision:
● Child protection
● Responding to the specific health needs of children who are ill or infectious
● Administrating medicines
● Complaints
1: Child protection
This policy covers the overall summary for safeguarding and child protection, intimate and safe care, whistleblowing, allegations against staff, Prevent Duty, online safety, human trafficking and modern slavery, domestic abuse, mobile phones and other electronic devices, and social media networking policy. The policy must include the referral process with named individuals responsible for reporting concerns and the contact details of the local children’s social care team and Local Authority Designated Lead (LADO) to report concerns.
2: Equality
The Equality policy covers practice, special educational needs, children’s care, and dealing with discriminatory behaviour covered by
3: Health and Safety
This section gives a general overview of health and safety. In addition, the recommended information can be found in the section on health and safety.
4: Responding to specific health needs of children who are ill or infectious
This covers the policy on sickness and injury and the policy on infection control.
5: Administrating medicines
This includes the medication policy and form.
6: Managing behaviour
Promoting a positive behaviour and biting policy are covered in this section.
7: Overall approach to risk assessment
This contains the new risk assessment policy.
8: Complaints
This includes the complaints and compliments procedure.
1a. Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Policy
The EYFS requires that a setting’s safeguarding policy ‘be in line with the guidance and procedures of the relevant local authority.
Ensure you review this policy to be consistent with the requirements of your local authority.
At BromleyBee International Pre-School and Daycare, we work with children, parents, and the community to ensure children’s welfare and safety and give them the best start in life. Children have the right to be treated with respect, be helped to thrive, and be safe from
any abuse.
We support the children within our care, protect them from maltreatment and have robust procedures in place to prevent the impairment of children’s health and development. In our setting, we strive to protect children from the risk of radicalisation, and we promote acceptance and tolerance of other beliefs and cultures (please refer to our inclusion and equality policy for further information). Safeguarding is a much broader subject than the elements covered within this single policy; therefore, this document should be used in conjunction with the preschool and daycare’s other policies and procedures.
This policy works alongside these other specific policies to cover all aspects of child protection:
● Online safety
● Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
● Prevent Duty and Radicalisation
● Domestic Violence, Honour Based Violence (HBV) and Forced Marriages
● Looked After Children
Policy intention
To safeguard children and promote their welfare, we will:
● Create an environment to encourage children to develop a positive self-image.
● Provide positive role models and develop a safe culture where staff are confident to raise concerns about professional conduct.
● Support staff to notice the softer signs of abuse and know what action to take
● Encourage children to develop a sense of independence and autonomy in a way that is appropriate to their age and stage of development
● Provide a safe and secure environment for all children
● Promote tolerance and acceptance of different beliefs, cultures and communities
● Help children to understand how they can influence and participate in decision-making and how to promote self-values through play, discussion and role modelling
● Always listen to children
● Provide an environment where practitioners are confident to identify where children and families may need intervention and seek the help they need. The preschool and daycare know that abuse does occur in our society, and we are vigilant in identifying signs of abuse and reporting concerns. Our practitioners must protect and promote the welfare of children. Due to the many hours of care we are providing, staff may often
be the first to identify that there may be a problem. They may well be the first people in whom children confide information that may suggest abuse or spot changes in a child’s behaviour which may indicate abuse.
Our prime responsibility is the welfare and well-being of each child in our care. As such, we believe we have a duty to the children, parents and staff to act quickly and responsibly in any instance that may come to our attention. This includes sharing information with relevant agencies such as local authority services for children’s social care, health professionals or the police. All staff will work with other agencies in the child’s best interest, including as part of a multi-agency team, if needed.
The preschool and daycare aim to:
● Keep the child at the centre of all we do
● Ensure staff are trained right from induction to understand the child protection and safeguarding policy and procedures, are alert to identify possible signs of abuse(including the symptoms known as softer signs of abuse), understand what is meant by child protection and are aware of the different ways in which
● children can be harmed, including by other children, through bullying or discriminatory behaviour.
● Be mindful of the increased vulnerability of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and other vulnerable or isolated families and children.
● Ensure that all staff feel confident and supported to act in the child’s best interest, share information, and seek the help that the child may need.
● Ensure that all staff are familiar and updated regularly with child protection training and procedures and kept informed of changes to local/national guidelines, including thorough annual safeguarding newsletters and updates
● Make any child protection referrals timely, sharing relevant information as necessary in line with guidelines set out by the local authority.
● Ensure that information is shared only with those who need to know to protect the child and act in their best interest.
● Keep the setting safe online using appropriate filters, checks and safeguards, monitoring access at all times.
● Ensure that children are never placed at risk while in charge of preschool and daycare staff.
● Identify changes in staff behaviour and act on these as per the Staff Behaviour Policy.
● Take any appropriate action relating to allegations of serious harm or abuse against any person working with children or living or working on the preschool and daycare premises, including reporting such allegations to the preschool and daycare authority.
● Ensure parents are fully aware of child protection policies and procedures when registering with the preschool and daycare and are kept informed of all updates.
● Regularly review and update this policy with staff and parents where appropriate and ensure it complies with any legal requirements and guidance or procedures issued by the local authority.
We will support children by offering reassurance, comfort and sensitive interactions. We will devise activities according to individual circumstances to enable children to develop confidence and self-esteem within their peer group and support them to learn how to keep themselves safe.
Monitoring children’s attendance
As part of our requirements under the statutory framework and guidance documents, we must monitor children’s attendance patterns to ensure consistency and have no cause for concern.
Parents should please inform the preschool and daycare before their children take holidays or days off, and all sickness should be called into the preschool and daycare on the day so that the management can account for a child’s absence.
If a child has not arrived at preschool and daycare within one hour of their standard start time, the parents will be called to ensure the child is safe and healthy. If the parents are not contactable, further emergency contacts will be used to ensure all parties are safe.
Where a child is part of a child protection plan, or during the referral process, any absences will immediately be reported to the local authority children’s social care team to safeguard the child.
This should not stop parents from taking precious time with their children but enables children’s attendance to be logged, so we know the child is safe.
Online Safety Policy (.)
Our preschool and daycare are aware of the growth of internet use and the advantages this can bring. However, it is also aware of the dangers and strives to safely support children, staff, and families in using the internet.
Keeping Children Safe in Education states, “The breadth of issues classified within online safety
is considerable but can be categorised into three areas of risk:
✓ Content: being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material;
✓ Contact: being subjected to harmful online interaction with other users; and
✓ Conduct: personal online behaviour that increases the likelihood of, or causes, harm”. Within the preschool and daycare, we aim to keep children (and staff) safe online by:
✓ Ensuring we have appropriate antivirus and anti-spyware software on all devices and update them regularly.
✓ Ensuring content blockers and filters are on all our devices, e.g. computers, laptops and mobile devices.
✓ Keeping passwords safe and secure, not sharing or writing these down. These will be changed at least every term to keep the devices secure.
✓ Ensure management monitor all internet activities in the setting.
✓ Locking away all preschool and daycare devices at the end of the day.
✓ Ensuring no social media or messaging apps are installed on preschool and daycare devices.
✓ Management reviews all apps or games downloaded to tablets to ensure all are age-appropriate for children and safeguard the children and staff.
✓ Using approved devices to record/photograph in the setting.
✓ Ensuring children are supervised when using internet devices.
✓ Not permitting staff or visitors access to the preschool and daycare Wi-Fi.
✓ Integrating online safety into preschool and daycare daily practice by discussing computer usage ‘rules’ deciding together what is safe and what is not safe to do online.
✓ Talking to children about ‘stranger danger’ and deciding who is a stranger and who is not, comparing people in real-life situations to online ‘friends’.
✓ When using Skype and other social internet media, discussing with the children what they would do if someone they did not know tried to contact them
✓ Provide training for staff who need this to keep children safe online.
✓ We abide by an acceptable use policy, ensuring the team use the
IT equipment for matters relating to the children and their education and care. No personal use will be tolerated.
✓ Children’s screen time is monitored to ensure they remain safe online and access material that promotes their development. We will ensure that their screen time is within an acceptable level and is integrated within their learning program.
✓ Access to CCTV footage is only permitted to school officials. Under exceptional circumstances, parents/ legal guardians can have this privilege by booking a prior appointment.
Prevent Duty and Radicalisation policy (.)
Extremism –the Prevent Duty
Working Together to Safeguard Children defines Extremism. It states, “Extremism goes beyond terrorism and includes people who target the vulnerable –including the young –by seeking to sow division between communities on the basis of race, faith or denomination; justify
discrimination towards women and girls; persuade others that minorities are inferior; or argue
against the primacy of democracy and the rule of law in our society. Extremism is defined in the Counter Extremism Strategy as the vocal or active opposition to our fundamental values,
including the rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also regard calls for the death of members of our armed forces as extremist.”
Under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, we have a duty to refer any extremism concerns to the police (In Prevent priority areas, the local authority will have a Prevent lead who can also provide support).
This may be a cause for concern relating to a change in behaviour of a child, family member or adult working with the children in the setting, comments causing concern or actions that lead staff to be worried about the safety of a child in their care.
Alongside this, we will be alert to any early signs in children and families who may be at risk of radicalisation, on which we will act and document all concerns when reporting further.
The signs of radicalisation may be:
● Isolating themselves from family and friends.
● Talking as if from a scripted speech.
● Unwillingness or inability to discuss their views.
● A sudden disrespectful attitude towards others.
● Increased levels of anger.
● Increased secretiveness, especially around internet use.
● We will tackle radicalisation by:
We train all staff to understand what is meant by Prevent Duty and radicalisation.
We ensure staff understand how to recognise early indicators of potential radicalisation and terrorism threats and act on them appropriately in line with national and local procedures.
Make referrals relating to Extremism to the police (or the Government helpline) promptly, sharing relevant information as appropriate.
Ensure our preschool and daycare is an inclusive environment, tackle inequalities and negative points of view and teach children about tolerance through cultural values.
Safe and Respectful Care (.)
The safe and respectful care policy may complement the Intimate Care Policy.
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare, we believe that all children need to feel safe, secure and happy. This involves preschool and daycare staff being responsive to children’s needs whilst maintaining professionalism. This includes giving children cuddles and changing children’s nappies or clothes.
To promote good practice and to minimise the risk of misconducts, we have the following guidelines:
● Although we recognise it is appropriate to cuddle children, we give cuddles only when sought by children needing comfort to support their emotional development. Staff are advised to do this in the presence of other children and practitioners whenever possible. We recognise that there may be occasions where it is appropriate for this to happen away from others, such as when a child is ill. In these circumstances, staff are advised to leave the door open. It is the duty of all staff and the manager to ensure that children are appropriately comforted and monitor practice.
● When changing children’s nappies or soiled/wet clothing, we leave the doors open.
● We discourage inappropriate behaviour such as over tickling, over boisterous play or inappropriate questions such as asking children to tell them they love them, and we advise staff to report any such observed practice.
● Staff are respectful of each other and the children and families in the preschool and daycare and do not use inappropriate language or behaviour during breaks.
● All staff are aware of the whistleblowing procedures, and the manager carries out random checks throughout the day to ensure safe practices.
If a parent or staff member has concerns or questions about safe care and practice procedures or behaviour they consider inappropriate, including between staff members, they are urged to see the manager at the earliest opportunity. Management will challenge inappropriate behaviour in line with the supervision/ disciplinary or whistleblowing procedures.
Mobile Phone and Electronic Device Use (.)
This policy refers to all electronic devices able to take pictures, record videos, send or receive calls and messages. This includes cameras, mobile telephones, tablets, and recording devices, including smartwatches. More and more devices are technically capable of connecting us to the outside world. We will adapt the policy to include all required devices to safeguard children. Re-Fit bits: It is recommended to amend this policy depending on what the device can do, e.g., those that receive calls and messages are not allowed but only count steps.
Mobile phones and other devices that accept calls, messages and video calling
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare, we promote the safety and welfare of all children in our care. We believe our staff should be completely attentive during their working hours to ensure all children in the preschool and daycare receive good quality care and education.
To ensure the safety and well-being of children, we do not allow staff to use personal mobile phones, smartwatches and fit-bits during working hours. We use mobile phones supplied by the preschool and daycare to provide a means of contact in certain circumstances, such as outings.
This policy should be used in conjunction with our online safety policy to ensure children are kept safe when using preschool and daycare devices online
Staff must adhere to the following:
● Mobile phones/smartwatches/ Fitbit are either turned off or on silent and not accessed during your working hours
● Mobile phones/Smartwatches/Fitbit can only be used on a designated break, and then this must be away from the children
● Mobile phones/smartwatches/Fitbit should be stored safely in staff lockers or the portable phone/devise box in the manager’s care-at all times during the hours of your working day
● No personal device is allowed to be connected to the preschool and daycare wifi at any time
● The use of preschool and daycare devices, such as tablets, must only be used for preschool and daycare purposes
● Any apps downloaded onto preschool and daycare devices must be done only by management. This will ensure that only age-appropriate and safe apps will be accessible to staff or children using them
● Passwords/ passcodes for preschool and daycare devices must not be shared or written down
● During outings, the team will use mobile phones belonging to the preschool and daycare. Photographs must not be taken of the children on any personal phones or any other personal information storage device. Only preschool and daycare owned devices will be used to take photographs or film videos
● Preschool and daycare devices will not be taken home with staff and will remain secure in the setting when not in use. If a device needs to be taken home due to unforeseen circumstances, the person taking it home must ensure it is securely stored and not accessed by another individual and returned as soon as possible. Parents and visitors use of mobile phones and smartwatches:
Whilst we recognise that there may be emergencies that necessitate using a mobile telephone to ensure the safety and welfare of children in our care and share information about the child’s day. However, parents and visitors are kindly asked to refrain from using their mobile phones in the preschool and daycare or when collecting or dropping off their children.
If you use your phone inside the preschool and daycare premises, you will be asked to finish the call or take the call outside.
We do this to ensure all children are safeguarded, and the time for dropping off and picking up is a quality handover opportunity where we can share details about your child.
Visitors are requested to leave their mobile phones or smartwatches in the safety of the office, where they will be locked away safely.
Photographs and videos
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare, we recognise that photographs and video recordings play a part in the life of the preschool and daycare. We ensure that any photos or recordings (including CCTV) taken of children in our preschool and daycare are only done with prior written permission from each child’s parent and only share photos with parents securely. We obtain this when each child is registered, and we update it regularly to ensure that this permission still stands.
We ask for individual permissions for photographs and video recordings for a range of purposes, including use in the child’s learning journey; Tapestry for display purposes; for promotional materials including our preschool and daycare website, brochure and the local press; and for
security concerning CCTV and the different social media platforms we use. We ensure that parents understand where their child is also on another child’s photograph, but not as the primary person that may be used in another child’s learning journey.
If a parent is not happy about one or more of these uses, we will respect their wishes and find alternative ways of recording their child’s play or learning.
Staff are not permitted to take any photographs or recordings of a child on their own information storage devices, e.g. cameras, mobiles, tablets or smartwatches, and may only use those provided by the preschool and daycare. The preschool and daycare manager will monitor all photographs and recordings to ensure that the parent’s wishes are met, and children are safeguarded.
Photographs or videos recorded on preschool and daycare mobile devices will be transferred to the correct storage device to ensure no images are left on these mobile devices.
Parents are not permitted to use any recording device or camera (including those on mobile phones or smartwatches) on the preschool and daycare premises without the prior consent of the management. During special events, e.g. Christmas, Pooja, Eid, Easter or leaving parties, staff may produce group photographs to distribute to parents. In this case, we will gain individual permission for each child. This will ensure that all pictures taken are in line with parental choice.
We ask that photos of events such as Christmas parties are not posted on social media.
Websites/areas without permission from parents of all the children included in the picture.
Social Networking (.)
Social media is becoming a large part of the world we live in. At Bromley Bee Early
Years Preschool and Daycare, we need to protect our children by having procedures for safe use.
We use Facebook /Twitter /Instagram to share pictures of the activities the children have
accessed at preschool and daycare. To safeguard children, we will:
● Ensure all children in the photographs or posts have the correct permissions in place from their parent/carer
● Not allow others to post on our Facebook page, i.e. only management can post on the page, only parents/family/carers who have been invited to join the group can view and comment on the posts
● Monitor comments on all posts and addresses any concerns immediately.
Parents and visitor’s use of social networking
We promote the safety and welfare of all staff and children and therefore ask parents and visitors not to post, publicly or privately, information about any child on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We ask all parents and visitors to follow this policy to ensure that information about children, images, and information do not fall into the wrong hands.
We ask parents not to:
● Send friend requests to any member of preschool and daycare staff
● Screenshot or share any posts or pictures from the preschool and daycare on social media platforms (these may contain other children in the pictures)
● Post any photographs to social media that the preschool and daycare have supplied with other children in them (e.g. Christmas concert photographs or photographs from an activity at preschool and daycare)
We ask parents to:
● Share any concerns regarding inappropriate use of social media through the official procedures (please refer to the partnership with parents policy, complaints procedures and grievance policy)
Sickness and Illness (.)
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare, we promote the good health of all children attending. To help keep children healthy and minimise infection, we do not expect children to attend preschool and daycare if they are unwell. If a child is sick, it is in their
the best interest to be in a home environment with adults they know well rather than at preschool and daycare with their peers
Our procedures
To take appropriate action of children who become ill and to minimise the spread of infection, we implement the following procedures:
● If a child becomes sick during the preschool or daycare day, we contact their parent(s) and ask them to pick up their child as soon as possible. During this time, we care for the child in a quiet, calm area with their key person, wherever possible
● We follow the guidance of Public Health (Health Protection In Schools and other childcare facilities) and advice from our local health protection unit on exclusion times for specific illnesses, e.g. sickness and diarrhoea, measles and chickenpox, to protect other children in the preschool and daycare.
● Should a child have an infectious disease, such as sickness and diarrhoea, they must not return to preschool or daycare until they have been evident for at least 48 hours. We inform all parents if there is a contagious infection identified in the preschool and daycare to enable them to spot the early signs of this illness. We thoroughly clean and sterilise all equipment and resources that may have come into contact with a contagious child to
reduce the spread of infection
● We exclude all children on antibiotics for the first 48 hours of the course (unless this is part of an ongoing care plan to treat individual medical conditions, e.g. asthma and the child is not unwell). This is because children must not be subjected to the rigours of the preschool and daycare day, which requires socialising with other children
and being part of a group setting when they have first become ill and need a course of antibiotics
● We have the right to refuse admission to an unwell child. This decision will be taken by the manager on duty and is non-negotiable
● We make information/posters about head lice readily available, and all parents are requested to check their children’s hair regularly. If a parent finds that their child has head lice, we would be grateful if they could inform the preschool and daycare so that other parents can be alerted to check their child’s hair.
Transporting children to hospital procedure
The preschool and daycare manager/staff member must:
● Call for an ambulance immediately if the sickness is severe. DO NOT attempt to transport the sick child in your vehicle
● If the illness is not severe, contact parents to pick up their child and advise them to take the child to the hospital immediately
● Whilst waiting for the ambulance, contact the parent(s) and arrange to meet them at the hospital
● Redeploy staff if necessary to ensure adequate staff deployment to care for the remaining children. This may mean temporarily grouping the children together
● Arrange for the most appropriate member of staff to accompany the child taking with them any relevant information such as registration forms, suitable medication sheets,
medication and the child’s comforter
● Inform a member of the management team immediately
● Remain calm at all times. Children who witness an incident may be affected and need lots of cuddles and reassurance. Staff may also require additional support following the accident
Infection Control (.)
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare, we promote the good health of all children attending by maintaining high hygiene standards and reducing the chances of infection spreading. We follow the Health protection in schools and other childcare facilities guidance, which sets out when and how long children need to be excluded from settings, when treatment/medication is required and where to get further advice.
Viruses and infections can be quickly passed from person to person by breathing in air containing the virus, which is produced when an infected person talks, coughs or sneezes. It can also spread through hand/face contact after touching a person or surface contaminated with viruses.
We follow the guidance below to prevent a virus or infection from moving around the preschool and daycare. Our staff:
● Encourage all children to use tissues when coughing and sneezing to catch germs
● Ensure all tissues are disposed of hygienically, and all children and staff wash their hands after disposing
● Develop children’s understanding of the above and the need for hygiene procedures in helping them to stay healthy
● Wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when changing nappies, toileting children and dealing with other bodily fluids. Staff are requested to dispose of these appropriately and wash hands immediately
● Clean and sterilise all potties and changing mats before and after each use
● Clean toilets at least daily and check them throughout the day
● Remind children to wash their hands before eating, after visiting the bathroom, playing outside or being in contact with any animals and explain the reasons for this
● Clean all toys, equipment and resources regularly by following a
comprehensive cleaning rota and using an antibacterial cleanser or through washing in the washing machine
● Wash/Clean all equipment used by babies and toddlers as and when needed, including when the children have placed it in their mouth
● Store dummies in individual hygienic dummy boxes labelled with the child’s name to prevent cross-contamination with other children
● Store toothbrushes (where applicable) hygienically to prevent cross-contamination
● Immediately clean and sterilise (where necessary) any dummy or bottle that falls on the floor or is picked up by another child
● Provide labelled individual bedding for children that are not used by any other child and wash this at least once a week
● Ask parents and visitors to remove all outdoor footwear or use shoe covers when entering rooms where children may be crawling or sitting on the floor
● Where applicable, wear specific indoor shoes or slippers whilst inside the rooms and make sure that children wear them as well
● Follow the sickness and illness policy when children are ill to prevent the spread of any infection in the preschool and daycare. Staff are also requested to stay at home if they are contagious.
In addition:
● The preschool and daycare manager retains the right of refusal of all children, parents, staff and visitors who are deemed contagious and may impact the welfare of the rest of the preschool and daycare
● Parents will be made aware of the need for these procedures for them to follow these guidelines whilst in the preschool and daycare
● Periodically each room in the preschool and daycare will be deep cleaned, including carpets and soft furnishings to ensure the spread of infection is limited. This will be implemented earlier if the need arises
● The preschool and daycare will provide stocks of tissues, hand washing equipment, cleaning materials and sterilising fluid are maintained at all times and increased during the winter months or when flu and cold germs are circulating
5. Medication (.)
At Bromley bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare, we promote the good health of children attending preschool and daycare and take the necessary steps to prevent infection (see sickness and illness policy). If a child requires medicine, we will obtain information about the child’s needs and ensure this information is kept up to date.
We follow strict guidelines when dealing with medication in the preschool and daycare, which are set out below.
Medication prescribed by a doctor, dentist
(Medicines containing aspirin will only be given if prescribed by a doctor)
● Prescription medicine will only be given when prescribed by the above and for the person named on the bottle for the dosage stated
● Medicines must be in their original containers with their instructions printed in English
● Those with parental responsibility for any child requiring prescription medication should hand over the medication to the most appropriate member of staff, who will then note the details of the administration on the proper form, and another member of the team will check these details
● Those with parental responsibility must give prior written permission for administering every medication. However, we will accept written permission once for a whole course of medicine or the ongoing use of a particular medication
under the following circumstances:
The written permission is only acceptable for that brand name of medication and
cannot be used for similar types of medication, e.g. if the course of antibiotics changes, a new form will need to be completed
The dosage on the written permission is the only dosage that will be administered. We will not give a different dose unless a new form is completed.
Parents must notify us immediately if the child’s circumstances change, e.g. a dose has been given at home, or a change in strength/dose needs to be provided.
● The preschool and daycare will not administer a dosage that exceeds the recommended dose on the instructions unless accompanied by written instructions from a relevant
health professional such as a letter from a doctor or dentist
● The parent must be asked when the child has last been given the medication before coming to preschool and daycare, and the staff member must record this information on the medication form. Similarly, when the child is picked up, the parent or guardian must
Be given precise details of the times and dosage given throughout the day. The parent’s signature must be obtained at both times.
● When administering the medicine, a senior staff member will ask the child to take medication or offer it in a manner acceptable to the child at the prescribed time and in the prescribed form. (It is important to note that staff working with children are not legally obliged to administer medication)
● If the child refuses to take the appropriate medication, a note will be made on the form.
● Where medication is “essential” or may have side effects, a discussion with the parent will take place to establish the appropriate response.
Non-prescription medication
● The preschool and daycare will not administer any non-prescription medication containing aspirin
● The preschool and daycare will only help non-prescription medicine for a short initial period, dependent on the drug or the child’s condition. After this time, medical attention should be sought
● If the preschool and daycare feel the child would benefit from medical attention rather than non-prescription medication, we reserve the right to refuse preschool and daycare care until a medical practitioner sees the child
● If a child needs liquid paracetamol or similar medication during their time at preschool and daycare, such remedy will be treated as prescription medicines with the onus being on the parent to provide the medicine
● On registration, parents will be asked if they would like to fill out a medication form to consent to their child being given a specific type of liquid paracetamol or anti-histamine in particular circumstances such as an increase in the child’s temperature or a wasp or bee sting. This form will state the dose to be given, the circumstances in which this can be given, e.g. the temperature increase of their child, the specific brand name or type of non-prescription medication and a signed statement to say that this may be administered in an emergency if the preschool and daycare cannot contact the parent.
● If a child does exhibit the symptoms for which consent has been given to give non-prescription medication during the day, the preschool and daycare will make every attempt to contact the child’s parents. Where parents cannot be contacted, then the preschool and daycare manager will decide as to whether the child is safe to have this medication based on the time the child has been in preschool and daycare, the circumstances surrounding the need for this medication and the medical history of the child on their registration form.
● Giving non-prescription medication will be the last resort, and the preschool and daycare staff will use other methods first to try and alleviate the symptoms, e.g. for an increase in temperature, the preschool and daycare will remove clothing, use fanning, tepid cooling with a wet flannel. The child will be closely monitored until the parents collect the child.
● For any non-prescription cream for skin conditions, e.g. Sudocrem, prior written permission must be obtained from the parent, and the parent has to provide the cream clearly labelled with the child’s name.
● If any child is brought to the preschool and daycare in a condition in which they may require medication sometime during the day, the manager will decide if the child is fit to be left at the preschool and daycare. If the child stays, the parent must be asked if any medication (dosage, frequency) has been given previously, and this information must be documented on the medication form.
● As with any medication, staff will ensure that the parent is informed of any non-prescription medicines given to the child whilst at the preschool and daycare and the times and dosage gave.
● The preschool and daycare do not administer any medication unless prior written consent for every medicine.
Injections, pessaries, suppositories
As the administration of injections, pessaries and suppositories represent intrusive nursing, we will not administer these without appropriate medical training for every member of staff caring for this child. This training is specific for every child and not generic. The preschool and daycare will do all they can to make reasonable adjustments, including working with parents and other professionals to arrange for appropriate health officials to train staff in administering the medication.
Promoting Positive Behaviour (.)
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we believe that children flourish best when they know how they and others are expected to behave. Children gain respect through interaction with caring adults who act as good role models, show them respect and value their individual personalities. The preschool and daycare actively promotes Shared values and encourages and praises positive, caring and polite behaviour at all times and provides an environment where children learn to respect themselves, other people and their surroundings.
Children need to have set boundaries of behaviour for their own safety and the safety of their peers. Within the preschool and daycare, we aim to set these boundaries in a way which helps the child to develop a sense of the significance of their own behaviour, both in their own environment and that of others around them. Restrictions on the child’s natural desire to explore and develop their own ideas and concepts are kept to a minimum.
We aim to:
● Recognise the individuality of all our children and that some behaviours are normal in young children e.g. biting.
● Encourage self-discipline, consideration for each other, our surroundings and property.
● Encourage children to participate in a wide range of group activities to enable them to develop their social skills.
● Ensure that all staff act as positive role models for children.
● Encourage parents and other visitors to be positive role models and challenge any poor behaviour shown Encourage parents and other visitors to be positive role models and challenge any poor behaviour shown.
● Work in partnership with parents by communicating openly.
● Praise children and acknowledge their positive actions and attitudes, therefore ensuring that children see that we value and respect them.
● Encourage all staff working with children to accept their responsibility for implementing the goals in this policy and to be consistent.
● Promote non-violence and encourage children to deal with conflict peacefully.
● Provide a key person system enabling staff to build a strong and positive relationship
with children and their families
● Provide activities and stories to help children learn about accepted behaviours, including opportunities for children to contribute to decisions about accepted behaviour where age/stage appropriate.
● Supporting and developing self-regulation and empathy as appropriate to the stage of development.
● Have a named person who has overall responsibility for behaviour management.
The Person for managing behaviour will:
● Advise and support other staff on behaviour issues.
● Along with each room leader will keep up to date with legislation and research relating to behaviour.
● Support changes to policies and procedures in the preschool and daycare.
● Access relevant sources of expertise where required and act as a central information source for all involved.
● Attend regular external training events, and ensure all staff attend relevant in-house or external training for behaviour management. Keep a record of staff attendance at this training.
Our preschool and daycare rules are concerned with safety, care and respect for each other. We keep the rules to a minimum and ensure that these are age and stage appropriate. We regularly involve children in the process of setting rules to encourage cooperation and participation and ensure children gain an understanding of the expectations of behaviour
relevant to them as a unique child. Children who behave inappropriately, for, by physically abusing another child or adult e.g. biting, or through verbal bullying, are helped to talk through their actions and apologise where appropriate. We make sure that the child who has been upset is comforted and the adult will
confirm that the other child’s behaviour is not acceptable. We always acknowledge when a child is feeling angry or upset and that it is the behaviour that is not acceptable, not the child.
When children behave in unacceptable ways:
● We never use or threaten to use physical punishment/corporal punishment such as smacking or shaking.
● We only use physical intervention for the purpose of averting immediate danger or personal injury to any person (including the child) or to manage a child’s behaviour if absolutely necessary. We keep a record of any occasions where physical intervention is used and inform parents on the same day, or as reasonably practicable.
● We recognise that there may be times where children may have regular occasions where they lose control and may need individual techniques to restrain them. This will only be carried out by staff who have been appropriately trained to do so. Any restraints will only be done following recommended guidance and training and only with a signed agreement from parents on when to use it. We will complete an incident form following any restraints used and notify the parents.
● We do not single out children or humiliate them in any way. Where children use unacceptable behaviour they will, wherever possible, be redirected to alternative activities. Discussions with children will take place as to why their behaviour was not acceptable, respecting their level of understanding and maturity.
● Staff will not raise their voices (other than to keep children safe)
● In any case of misbehaviour, we always make it clear to the child or children in question,
that it is the behaviour and not the child that is unwelcome.
● We decide how to handle a particular type of behaviour depending on the child’s age,
level of development and the circumstances surrounding the behaviour. This may involve asking the child to talk and think about what he/she has done. All staff support children in developing empathy and children will only be asked to apologise if they have developed strong empathy skills and have a good understanding of why saying sorry is appropriate.
● We help staff to reflect on their own responses towards challenging behaviours to ensure that their reactions are appropriate.
● We inform parents if their child’s behaviour is unkind to others or if their child has been upset. In all cases we deal with inappropriate behaviour in preschool and daycare at the time. We may ask parents to meet with staff to discuss their child’s behaviour, so that if there are any difficulties we can work together to ensure consistency between their home and the preschool and daycare. In some cases we may request additional advice and support from other professionals, such as an educational psychologist.
● We support children in developing non-aggressive strategies to enable them to express their feelings.
● We keep confidential records on any inappropriate behaviour that has taken place. We inform parents and ask them to read and sign any incidents concerning their child.
● We support all children to develop positive behaviour, and we make every effort to provide for their individual needs.
● Through partnership with parents and formal observations, we make every effort to identify any behavioural concerns and the causes of that behaviour. From these observations and discussions, we will implement an individual behaviour modification plan where a child’s behaviour involves aggressive actions towards other children and staff, for hitting, kicking etc. The manager will complete risk assessments identifying any potential triggers or warning signs ensuring other children’s and staff’s safety at all times. In these instances we may remove a child from an area until they have calmed down
Bullying takes many forms. It can be physical, verbal or emotional, but it is always a repeated behaviour that makes other people feel uncomfortable or threatened. We acknowledge that any form of bullying is unacceptable and will be dealt with immediately while recognising that physical aggression is part of children’s development in their early years.
We recognise that children need their own time and space and that it is not always appropriate to expect a child to share. We believe it is important to acknowledge each child’s feelings and to help them understand how others might be feeling.
We encourage children to recognise that bullying, fighting, hurting and discriminatory comments are not acceptable behaviour. We want children to recognise that certain actions are right and that others are wrong.
At our preschool and daycare, staff follow the procedure below to enable them to deal with challenging behaviour:
● Staff are encouraged to ensure that all children feel safe, happy and secure.
● Staff are encouraged to recognise that active physical aggression in the early years is part of the child’s development and that it should be channeled in a positive way.
● Children are helped to understand that using aggression to get things, is inappropriate and they will be encouraged to resolve problems in other ways.
● Our staff will intervene when they think a child is being bullied, however mild or harmless it may seem.
● Staff will initiate games and activities with children when they feel play has become aggressive, both indoors or out.
● Staff will sensitively discuss any instance of bullying with the parents of all involved to look for a consistent resolution to the behaviour.
● We will ensure that this policy is available for staff and parents and it will be actively publicised at least once a year to parents and staff.
● If any parent has a concern about their child, a member of staff will be available to discuss those concerns. It is only through cooperation that we can ensure our children feel confident and secure in their environment, both at home and in the preschool and daycare.
● All concerns will be treated in the strictest confidence.
By positively promoting good behaviour, valuing co-operation and a caring attitude, we hope to ensure that children will develop as responsible members of society.
Biting (.)
At Bromley Bee early Years International Preschool and Daycare we follow a positive behaviour policy to promote positive behaviour at all times. However, we understand that children may use certain behaviours such as biting as part of their development. Biting is a common behaviour that some young children go through and can be triggered when they do not have the words to communicate their anger, frustration or need.
Our procedures
The preschool and daycare uses the following strategies to help prevent biting: sensory activities, biting rings, adequate resources and staff who recognise when children need more stimulation or quiet times. However, in the event of a child being bitten we use the following procedures. The most relevant staff member(s) will:
● Comfort any child who has been bitten and check for any visual injury. Administer any first aid where necessary. Complete an accident form and inform the parents via telephone if deemed appropriate. Continue to observe the bitten area for signs of infection. For confidentiality purposes and possible conflict we do not disclose the name of the child who has caused the bite to the parents.
● Tell the child who has caused the bite in terms that they understand that biting (the behaviour and not the child) is unkind and show the child that it makes staff and the child who has been bitten sad. The child will be asked to say sorry if developmentally appropriate or helped to develop their empathy skills by giving the child who has been
bitten a favourite book or comforter. Complete an incident form to share with the parents at the end of the child’s session.
● If a child continues to bite, carry out observations to try to distinguish a cause, e.g. tiredness or frustration.
● Arrange for a meeting with the child’s parents to develop strategies to prevent the biting behaviour. Parents will be reassured that it is part of a child’s development and not made to feel that it is their fault.
● In the event of a bite breaking the skin and to reduce the risk of infection from bacteria,
give prompt treatment to both the child who has bitten and the child who has been bitten.
If a child or member of staff sustains a bite wound where the skin has been severely broken arrange for urgent medical attention after initial first aid has been carried out. In cases where a child may repeatedly bite and/or if they have a particular special educational need or disability that lends itself to increased biting, e.g. in some cases of autism where a child doesn’t have the communication skills, the preschool and daycare manager will carry out a risk assessment and may recommend immunisation with hepatitis B vaccine for all staff and children.
Complaints and Compliments (.)
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we believe that parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their individual needs and wishes. We hope that at all times parents are happy with the service provided and we encourage parents to voice their appreciation to the staff concerned.
We record all compliments and share these with staff
We welcome any suggestions from parents on how we can improve our services, and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns that parents may have. Any concerns will be dealt with professionally and promptly to ensure that any issues arising from them are handled
effectively and to ensure the welfare of all children, enable ongoing cooperative partnership with parents and to continually improve the quality of the preschool and daycare. We have a formal procedure for dealing with complaints where we are not able to resolve a concern. Where any concern or complaint relates to child protection, we follow our
Safeguarding/Child Protection Policy.
Internal complaints procedure
Stage 1
If any parent should have cause for concern or any queries regarding the care or early learning provided by the preschool and daycare, they should in the first instance take it up with the child’s key person or a senior member of staff/room leader.
Stage 2
If the issue remains unresolved or parents feel they have received an unsatisfactory outcome, then they must present their concerns in writing as a formal complaint to the preschool and daycare manager. The manager will then investigate the complaint and report back to the parent within 28 working days. The manager will document the complaint fully and the actions taken in relation to it in the complaints log book. (Most complaints are usually resolved informally at stage 1 or 2.)
Stage 3
If the matter is still not resolved, the preschool and daycare will hold a formal meeting between the manager, parent and a senior staff member to ensure that it is dealt with comprehensively.
The preschool and daycare will make a record of the meeting and document any actions. All parties present at the meeting will review the accuracy of the record, and be asked to sign to agree on it and receive a copy. This will signify the conclusion of the procedure.
On discovering a fire:
● Calmly raise the alarm by blowing the whistle.
● Assemble at the exit as directed by the whistle-blower (manager) who also collects phone, register and contact details (kept in the outings rucksack–preschool shoe stand).
● Instruct children to line up in single fine. Manager at the front of the queue, another member of staff at the back.
● Toddlers fire exit through the main entrance lead by room leader/manager. Preschool fire exit through the main hall fire escape (left side) lead by room leader/manager. Babies fire exit through babies entrance, lead by room leader/manager.
● One appointed member of staff will check toilets and re-join the queue (do not wait around for this person to return if ready to evacuate).
● Immediately evacuate the building under guidance from the manager on duty, using the nearest accessible exit lead the children out.
● Close all doors behind you wherever possible.
● Assemble outside in the forecourt and counts heads, check the register.
● Children or adults with mobility difficulties will be made aware of evacuation procedures and aided by the manager.
● Do not stop to collect personal belongings on evacuating the building.
● Do not attempt to go back in and fight the fire.
● Do not attempt to go back in if any children or adults are not accounted for.
● Wait for emergency services and report any unaccounted persons to the fire service/police.
If you are unable to evacuate safely:
● Stay where you are safe.
● Keep the children calm and together.
● Wherever possible alert the manager of your location and the identity of the children and other adults with you.
The manager/fire marshal is to:
● Pick up the children’s register, staff register, mobile phone, keys, visitor book and emergency contacts list.
● Telephone emergency services: dial 999 and ask for the fire service.
● In the fire assembly point area –outside in the forecourt check the children against the register.
● Account for all adults: staff and visitors.
● Advice the fire service of anyone missing and possible locations and respond to any other questions they may have.
● Do not stop to collect personal belongings on evacuating the building.
● Do not attempt to go back in and fight the fire.
● Do not attempt to go back in if any children or adults are not accounted for.
No Smoking Policy
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we are committed to promoting children’s health and well-being. This is of utmost importance for the preschool and daycare. Smoking has proved to be a health risk and therefore in accordance with legislation,
the preschool and daycare operate a strict no smoking policy within its buildings and grounds.
It is illegal to smoke in enclosed places.
All persons must abstain from smoking while on the premises. This applies to staff, students, parents, carers, contractors and any other visitors to the premises.
Staff accompanying children outside the preschool / daycare, are not permitted to smoke. We also request that parents accompanying preschool / daycare children on outings refrain from smoking while caring for the children.
Staff must not smoke while wearing preschool / daycare uniform as it is essential that staff are positive role models to children and promote a healthy lifestyle. If staff choose to smoke during breaks they are asked to change into their own clothing and smoke away from the main entrance.
Critical Incident
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we understand we need to plan for all eventualities to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all the children we care for. With this in mind, we have a critical incident policy in place to ensure our preschool and daycare is able to operate effectively in the case of a critical incident. These include:
● Flood
● Fire
● Burglary
● Bomb threat/terrorism attack
● Any other incident that may affect the care of the children in the preschool and daycare.
If any of these incidents impact on the ability of the preschool and daycare to operate, we will contact parents via phone/email/text message at the earliest opportunity, e.g. before the start of the preschool / daycare day.
Abduction or threatened abduction of a child
We have secure safety procedures in place to ensure children are safe while in our care, including safety from abduction. Staff must be vigilant at all times and report any persons lingering on preschool and daycare property immediately. All doors and gates to the preschool and daycare are locked and cannot be accessed unless staff members allow individuals in.
Parents are reminded on a regular basis not to allow anyone into the building whether they are known to them or not. Visitors and general security are covered in more detail in the supervision of visitor’s policy.
Children will only be released into the care of a designated adult; see the arrivals and departures policy for more details. Parents are requested to inform the preschool and daycare of any potential custody battles or family concerns as soon as they arise so the preschool/daycare is able to support the child. The preschool / daycare will not take sides in relation to any custody battle and will remain neutral for the child. If an absent parent arrives to collect their child, the preschool / daycare will not restrict access unless a court order is in place. Parents are requested to issue the preschool / daycare with a copy of these documents should they be in place. We will consult our solicitors with regards to any concerns over custody and relay any information back to the parties involved.
If a member of staff witnesses an actual or potential abduction from preschool and daycare we have the following procedures which are followed immediately:
● The police must be called immediately.
● The staff member will notify management immediately and the manager will take control.
● The parent(s) will be contacted.
● All other children will be kept safe and secure and calmed down where necessary.
● The police will be given as many details as possible including details of the child, description of the abductor, car registration number if used, time and direction of travel if seen and any family situations that may impact on this abduction.
Bomb threat/terrorism attack
If a bomb threat is received at the preschool and daycare, the person taking the call will record all details given over the phone as soon as possible and raise the alarm as soon as the phone call has ended. The management will follow the fire evacuation procedure to ensure the safety of all on the premises and will provide as much detail to the emergency services as possible.
Other incidents
All incidents will be managed by the manager on duty and all staff will cooperate with any emergency services on the scene. Any other incident that requires evacuation will follow the fire plan. Other incidents e.g. no water supply will be dealt with on an individual basis taking into account the effect on the safety, health and welfare of the children and staff in the preschool and daycare.
Lock Down Policy
Lockdown procedure
We will use the lock down procedure when the safety of the children and staff is at risk and we will be better placed inside the current building, with doors and windows locked and blinds/curtains drawn.
We will activate this emergency procedure in response to a number of situations, but some of the more typical might be:
A report incident or disturbance in the local community (with potential to pose a risk to staff and children in the preschool and daycare)
An intruder on the preschool and daycare site (with potential to pose a risk to staff and children in preschool / daycare)
A warning being received regarding a risk locally, of air pollution (smoke plumes, gas clouds etc.)
A major fire or explosion in the vicinity of the preschool and daycare –as long as it is safer staying in the premises than leaving.
In this case the staff will be notified by the following action:
Bell being rung
All individuals (including children) will remain in the area they are in, if safe to do so. If the children are outside, staff are to promptly and calmly direct children into the building, if this will not endanger them. Staff will make efforts to close and lock doors wherever safe to do so.
All individuals will keep away from the windows and doors and children will be occupied in the centre of the room so they are not placed at risk or are able to see any situation developing outside.
The manager will ensure all children, staff and visitors are accounted for and safe before returning to the office area to keep up to date with the current situation via updates.
The manager on duty will manage the situation dependent on the situation and the information available. If the preschool and daycare is in immediate danger of an intruder, the police will be called as a matter of urgency. In other cases where the situation has been alerted by the police or local area authority then the preschool and daycare will await further instructions.
Once the all-clear has been given externally the manager will issue the all-clear internally. After this time the staff will try to return to normal practice to enable the children not to be disrupted or upset by the events.
Any children showing worries or concerns will have one to one time with their key person to talk about these.
Parents will be informed about the situation at the earliest safest opportunity and will be kept updated when the information changes.
After the event a post-incident evaluation will be conducted to ensure that each child and staff member was supported fully and the procedure went as planned.
Adverse Weather
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we have an adverse weather policy in place to ensure our preschool and daycare is prepared for all weather conditions that might affect the running of the preschool / daycare such as floods, rains and heat waves. If any of these incidents impact on the ability of the preschool and daycare to open or operate, we will contact parents via email/text message.
We will not take children outdoors where we judge that weather conditions make it unsafe to do so.
In the case of a flood we will follow our critical incident procedure to enable all children and staff to be safe and continuity of care to be planned for.
Rain or other severe weather
If heavy rain, or another severe weather conditions such as dense fog, is threatened during a preschool / daycare day then the manager will take the decision as to whether to close the preschool / daycare. This decision will take into account the safety of the children, their parents and the staff team. In the event of a planned closure during the preschool and daycare day, we will contact all parents to arrange for collection of their child. In the event of staff shortages due to rain or other severe weather, we will contact all available off duty staff and/or agency staff and group the children differently until they are able to arrive.
Heat wave
Please refer to our sun care policy.
Supervision of Visitors
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we aim to protect the children in our care at all times. This includes making sure any visitors to the preschool and daycare are properly identified and supervised.
All visitors must sign the visitors’ book on arrival and departure. Where applicable, visitors’ identity should be checked, e.g. colleagues attending in a professional capacity such as speech and language therapists. Visitors are informed of any relevant policies including the fire evacuation procedure and mobile phone, camera and other recording devices policy including
use of smart watches where applicable.
All visitors are given and should wear a visitor’s badge to identify themselves to staff and parents within the preschool / daycare. A member of staff must accompany visitors in the preschool and daycare at all times while in the building; at no time should a visitor be left alone with a child unless under specific circumstances arranged previously with the manager.
● Staff must check the identity of any visitors they do not recognise before allowing them into the main preschool and daycare. Visitors to the preschool and daycare must be recorded in the Visitors’ Book and accompanied by a member of staff at all times while in the building.
● All external doors must be kept locked at all times and external gates closed. All internal doors and gates must be kept closed to ensure children are not able to wander.
● Parents, visitors and students are reminded not to hold doors open or allow entry to any person, whether they know this person or not. Staff within the preschool and daycare should be the only people allowing external visitors and parents entry to the preschool / daycare.
● The preschool and daycare will under no circumstances tolerate any form of harassment from third parties, including visitors, towards others, including children, staff members and parents. The police may be called in these circumstances.
Gifts and hospitality
A ‘gift’ is defined as any item, cash, goods, or any service which is offered for personal benefit at a cost, or no cost, that is less than its commercial value. We should consider the following if a gift is offered:
● Whether it is appropriate to accept it.
● Decline gifts unless to do so would cause serious embarrassment; and
● Discuss the position with the manager or owner if the gift clearly has a
value in excess of 2000BDT.
Parents may wish to thank preschool/daycare staff for looking after their children with any occasion’s gifts or gifts when the child leaves the preschool/daycare. This is perfectly understandable. Each staff member is reasonable for deciding if this gift is appropriate to accept and if it should be shared with the wider team.
The preschool and daycare will not accept gifts from service providers. This may be deemed as a bribe to maintain a contract. The preschool and daycare will remain transparent and open at all times.
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we expect that children are vaccinated in accordance with the government’s health policy and their age. We ask that parents inform us if their children are not vaccinated so that we can manage any risks to their own child or other children/staff/parents in the best way possible. The preschool and daycare manager must be aware of any children who are not vaccinated within the preschool and daycare in accordance with their age.
We make all parents aware that some children in the preschool and daycare may not be vaccinated, due to their age, medical reasons or parental choice. Our preschool and daycare do not discriminate against children who have not received their immunisations and will not disclose individual details to other parents. However, we will share the risks of infection if children have not had immunisations and ask parents to sign a disclaimer.
We record, or encourage parents to record, information about immunisations on children’s registration documents and we update this information as and when necessary, including when the child reaches the age for the appropriate immunisations.
Emergency information
We keep emergency information for every child and update it every six months with regular reminders to parents in newsletters, at parents’ evenings and a reminder notice on the Parent Information Board.
Allergies and Allergic Reactions
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we are aware that children may have or develop an allergy resulting in an allergic reaction. Our aims are to ensure allergic reactions are minimised or, where possible, prevented and that staff are fully aware of how to support a child who may be having an allergic reaction.
Our procedures
● Our staff are made aware of the signs and symptoms of a possible allergic
reaction in case of an unknown or first reaction in a child. These may include a rash or hives, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhoea, itchy skin, runny eyes, shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling of the mouth or tongue, swelling to the airways to the lungs, wheezing and anaphylaxis
● We ask parents to share all information about allergic reactions and
allergies on child’s registration form and to inform staff of any allergies discovered after registratio● We share all information with all staff and keep an allergy register on
● Where a child has a known allergy, the preschool and daycare manager
will carry out a full Allergy Risk Assessment Procedure with the parent prior to the child starting preschool/daycare and shares this assessment with all staff
● All food prepared for a child with a specific allergy is prepared in an area
where there is no chance of contamination and served on equipment that has not been in contact with this specific food type, e.g. nuts
● The manager and parents will work together to ensure a child with specific food allergies receives no food at preschool/daycare that may harm them. This may include designing an appropriate menu or substituting specific meals
● Seating will be monitored for children with allergies. Where deemed
appropriate, staff will sit with children who have allergies and where age/stage appropriate staff will discuss food allergies and the potential risks
● If a child has an allergic reaction to food, a bee or wasp sting, plant etc. a
first-aid trained member of staff will act quickly and administer the appropriate treatment, where necessary. We will inform parents and record the information in the incident book and on the allergy register
● If an allergic reaction requires specialist treatment, e.g. an EpiPen, then at least two members of staff working directly with the child and the manager will receive specific medical training to be able to administer the treatment to each individual child. Transporting children to hospital procedures The preschool and daycare manager/staff member must:
● Call for an ambulance immediately if the allergic reaction is severe. DO
NOT attempt to transport the sick child in your own vehicle
● Whilst waiting for the ambulance, contact the parent(s) and arrange to
meet them at the hospital
● Arrange for the most appropriate member of staff to accompany the child, taking with them any relevant information such as registration forms, relevant medication sheets, medication and the child’s comforter
● Redeploy staff if necessary to ensure there is adequate staff deployment
to care for the remaining children. This may mean temporarily grouping the children together
● Inform a member of the management team immediately
● Remain calm at all times. Children who witness an incident may well be
affected by it and may need lots of cuddles and reassurance. Staff may also require additional support following the accident.
Sun Care
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we are committed to ensuring that all children are fully protected from the dangers of too much sun/UV rays. Severe sunburn in childhood can lead to the development of malignant melanoma (the most dangerous
type of skin cancer) in later life.
● Key persons will work with the parents of their key children to decide and agree on suitable precautions to protect children from burning, including those with more sensitive skin types and those that may be more tolerant to the sunshine.
● Children must have a clearly labelled sun hat which will be worn at all
times whilst outside in sunny weather. This hat will preferably be of legionnaires design (i.e. with an extended back and side to shield children’s neck and ears from the sun) to provide additional protection
● Children must have their own labelled high factor sun cream with prior
written consent for staff to apply. This enables children to have sun cream suitable for their own individual needs. Staff must be aware of the expiry date and discard sunscreen after this date
● Parents are requested to supply light-weight cotton clothing for their children suitable for the sun, with long sleeves and long legs
● Children’s safety and welfare in hot weather is the preschool/daycare’s
prime objective so staff will work closely with parents to ensure all appropriate cream and clothing is provided
● Staff will make day-to-day decisions about the length of time spent outside depending on the strength of the sun; children will not be allowed in the direct sunlight between 11.00am –3.00pm on hot days
● Children will always have sun cream applied before going outside in the
hot weather and at frequent intervals during the day
● Children are encouraged to drink cooled water more frequently throughout sunny or warm days and this will be accessible both indoors and out
● Children are made aware of the need for sun hats, sun cream and the
need to drink more fluids during their time in the sun
● Shade will be provided to ensure children are able to still go out in hot
weather, cool down or escape the sun should they wish or need to.
Vitamin D
Sunlight is important for the body to receive vitamin D. We need vitamin D to help the body absorb calcium and phosphate from our diet. These minerals are important for healthy bones, teeth and muscles.
Our body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on our skin when we are outdoors. Most people can make enough vitamin D from being out in the sun daily for short periods with their hands or other body parts uncovered. Sun cream will stop the ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from reaching your skin, so part of your body should be uncovered and not have suncream on. At preschool and daycare we find the right balance to protecting children from sunburn as well as allowing the skin to access the sun for the vitamin D benefits, e.g. hands will be left without sun cream but children will be fully monitored to ensure no hands are burnt. The benefits will be discussed with parents and their wishes will be followed with regard to the amount of sun cream applied.
Early Learning Opportunities Statement
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool we recognise that children learn in different ways and at different rates and plan for this accordingly. Our aim is to support all children attending the preschool and daycare to attain their maximum potential within their individual capabilities.
We provide a positive play environment for every child, so they may develop good social skills and an appreciation of all aspects of this country’s multi-cultural society. We plan learning experiences to ensure, as far as practical, there is equality of opportunity for all children and a celebration of diversity.
We maintain a personalised record of every child’s development, showing their abilities, progress, interests and areas needing further staff or parental assistance.
We ensure that the educational programmes are well planned and resourced to have depth and breadth across the seven areas of learning. They provide interesting and challenging experiences that meet the needs of all children. Planning is based on secure knowledge and understanding of how to promote the learning and development of young children and what they can achieve.
We implement the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) set by the Department for Education that sets standards to ensure all children learn and develop well. We support and enhance children’s learning and development holistically through play-based activities. We review all aspects of learning and development and ensure a flexible approach is maintained, which response quickly to children’s learning and developmental needs. We develop tailor-made
activities based on observations which inform future planning and draw on children’s needs and interests. This is promoted through a balance of adult-led and child-initiated opportunities both indoors and outdoors.
Direct observation is supplemented by a range of other evidence to evaluate the impact that practitioners have on the progress children make in their learning including:
● evidence of assessment that includes the progress of different groups of
assessment on entry(starting point), including parental contributions
two-year-old progress checks (where applicable)
on-going (formative) assessments, including any parental contributions
the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (where applicable) or any other
summative assessment when children leave.
● We acknowledge parents as primary educators and encourage parental
involvement as outlined in our Parents and Carers as Partners policy. We build strong home links in order to enhance and extend children’s learning both within the preschool and daycare environment and in the child’s home.
Gifted and Talented Children Policy
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we plan our teaching and learning so that each child can aspire to achieve their full potential. The purpose of this policy is to help to ensure that we recognise and support the needs of those children in our preschool/daycare who have been identified as ‘gifted’ and/or
‘talented’ and extend their learning to challenge them further.
‘Gifted’ refers to a child who has a broad range of achievement at a level well above
average, typically in the more academic subjects;
‘Talented’ refers to a child who excels in one or more specific fields, typically those that call for performance skills, such as sport or music, but who does not necessarily perform at a high level across all areas of learning.
With this in mind we will ensure all children are fully supported and challenged by:
● Working together with parents and carers to establish starting points on
entry to preschool/daycare
● Observing, assessing and planning activities in line with the individual
child’s needs and interests
● Providing challenging next steps to enhance the learning opportunities
● Working with the child’s school to provide activities that will stretch the
child further in line with the child’s future curriculum
● Support transitions by providing key information to the next provision
Gifted children in language and literacy:
● Are able to read and respond to a range of texts at a more advanced level
● Use a wide vocabulary and variety of words in conversations and play
● Are able to write fluently and with little support Gifted children in mathematics:
● Explore a broader range of strategies for solving a problem
● Establish their own strategies for problem solving
● Are able to manipulate numbers in a wide range of ways, e.g. adding,
The management monitors all outcomes for children by tracking cohorts and individual children across the whole setting. This will include the gifted and talented children. Management will ensure that all children are progressing at an appropriate rate from their starting points through
challenging and supportive activities and opportunities.
Settling In
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we aim to support parents and other carers to help their children settle quickly and easily by giving consideration to the individual needs and circumstances of every child and their families. Our aim is for children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the preschool/daycare and to feel secure and comfortable with all staff. We also want parents to have confidence in both their children’s continued well-being and their role as active partners, with the child being able to benefit from what the preschool/daycare has to offer.
All our staff know about the importance of building strong attachments with children. They are trained to recognise the different stages of attachment and use this knowledge to support children and families settling into the preschool and daycare. Our preschool and daycare will work in partnership with parents to settle their child into preschool/daycare environment by:
● At early stage of ‘Settling in’ we try to allocate a key person (Depends on
the availability and not to conflict with our Practitioner per children ratio) to each child and his/her family, before he/she starts to attend. The key person welcomes and looks after the child, ensuring that their care is tailored to meet their individual needs. He/she offers a settled relationship for the child and builds a relationship with his/her parents during the
settling in period and throughout his/her time at the preschool/daycare, to ensure the family has a familiar contact person to assist with the settling in process
● Reviewing the nominated key person if the child is bonding with another
member of staff to ensure the child’s needs are supported
● Providing parents with relevant information about the policies and
procedures of the preschool and daycare
● Encouraging parents and children to visit the preschool and daycare
during the weeks before an admission is planned and arranging home visits where applicable
● Reassuring parents whose children seem to be taking a long time settling
in to the preschool/daycare and developing a plan with them
● Assigning a buddy/back-up key person to each child in case the key
person is not available.
● Not taking a child on an outing from the preschool/daycare until he/she is
completely settled.
● In early days parents are allowed to watch/ monitor their child from our
office on CCTV
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we recognise that young children will experience many transitions in their early years; some of these planned and some unplanned. We are sensitive to the impact of such changes to children and this policy sets out the ways in which we support children going through these transitions. Some examples of transitions that young children and babies may experience are:
● Starting preschool/daycare
● Moving between different rooms within the preschool/daycare
● Starting school/preschool or moving daycare
● Family breakdowns
● New siblings
● Moving home
● Death of a family member or close friend
● Death of a family pet.
Staff are trained to observe their key children and to be sensitive to any changes in their behaviour and personality. We respectfully ask that parents inform us of any changes in a home environment that may impact on their child so staff can be aware of the reasons behind any potential changes in the child’s behaviour.
Separated Family
At Bromley Bee early Years International Preschool and Daycare we recognise that when parents separate it can be a difficult situation for all concerned. We understand that emotions may run high and this policy sets out how we will support all parties in within the preschool/daycare including our staff team. The key person will work closely with the parents to build close relationships which will support the child’s/children’s emotional wellbeing and report any significant changes in behaviour to the parent. Parents will be signposted to relevant services and organisation for support for the whole family.
Parental responsibility
While the law does not define in detail what parental responsibility is, the following list sets out some of the key features of someone holding parental responsibility. These include:
● Providing a home for the child
● Having contact with and living with the child
● Protecting and maintaining the child
● Disciplining the child
● Choosing and providing for the child’s education
● Determining the religion of the child
● Agreeing to the child’s medical treatment
● Naming the child and agreeing to any change of the child’s name
● Being responsible for the child’s property
● Appointing a guardian for the child, if necessary
● Allowing confidential information about the child to be disclosed.
Preschool/daycare registration
During the registration process we collect details about both parents including who has parental responsibility, as this will avoid any future difficult situations. We request these details on the child registration form. If a parent does not have parental responsibility or has a court order in place to prevent this, we must have a copy of this documentation for the child’s records.
If a child is registered by one parent of a separated family, we request disclosure of all relevant details relating to the child and other parent such as court orders or injunctions. This will make sure we can support the child and family fully in accordance with the policy set out below.
We will:
● Ensure the child’s welfare is paramount at all times they are in the preschool/daycare
● Comply with any details of a court order where applicable to the child’s attendance at the preschool/daycare where we have seen a copy/have a copy attached to the child’s file
● Provide information on the child’s progress, e.g. learning journeys, progress checks within the preschool/daycare, to both parents where both hold parental responsibility
● Invite both parents to preschool/daycare events, including parental consultations and social events where both hold parental responsibility
● Ensure any incident or accident within the preschool/daycare relating to the child is reported to the person collecting the child
● Ensure that all matters known by the staff pertaining to the family and the parent’s separation remain confidential
● Ensure that no member of staff takes sides regarding the separation and treats both parents equally and with due respect
● Not restrict access to any parent with parental responsibility unless a formal court order is in place. We respectfully ask that parents do not put us in this position.
We ask parents to:
● Provide us with all information relating to parental responsibilities, court orders and injunctions
● Update information that changes any of the above as soon as practicably possible
● Work with us to ensure continuity of care and support for your child
● Not involve preschool/daycare staff in any family disputes, unless this directly impacts on the care we provide for the child
● Talk to the manager/key person away from the child when this relates to family separation in order to avoid the child becoming upset. This can be arranged as a more formal meeting or as an informal chat
● Not ask the preschool/daycare to take sides in any dispute. We will only take the side of your child and this will require us to be neutral at all times.
Outdoor Play
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we are committed to the importance of daily outdoor play and the physical development of all children regardless of their age and stage of development. We provide outdoor play in all weathers. Where possible and appropriate, we make outdoor activities accessible to children with learning difficulties and disabilities to ensure inclusive use of the outdoor area.
We recognise that children need regular access to outdoor play in order to keep fit and healthy, develop their large and fine motor skills, experience learning in a natural environment and access sunlight in order to absorb vitamin D more effectively. We also refer to The Chief Medical Office guidance on physical activity.
The outdoor areas, both within the preschool and daycare grounds and in the local community have a wealth of experiences and resources which help children to develop in a variety of ways, including independence, exploration and investigative skills, risk taking and self-esteem, all of
which support children to develop skills now and for the future.
We ensure all areas are safe and secure through close supervision and the use of robust risk assessments and safety checks. Where possible and appropriate, we plan and encourage play that helps children understand and manage risks. This type of play allows children to explore and find their own boundaries in a safe environment with supportive practitioners. Staff are informed of the importance of safety procedures and are trained appropriately to ensure these procedures are followed effectively.
We obtain parental permission before any child leaves preschool/daycare during the day. This includes short outings into the local community. There is more information in the outings policy.
We plan all outdoor play opportunities and outings to complement the indoor activities and provide children with purposeful activities that support and follow individual children’s interests.
There is a balance of both adult-led and child-initiated opportunities to enable children to learn and practice new skills, knowledge and behaviours.
Where activities take place away from the setting (e.g. in the local wood) then a mobile phone and a first aid kit will be taken to ensure the safety of children at all times. A trained paediatric first, aider will be present when away from the main setting.
We use this policy alongside the following policies to ensure the safety and welfare of children
throughout their time outside:
● Health and Safety
● Sun Care
● Caring for Babies and Toddler
● Lost Child Policy
● Parents and Carers as Partners
● Supervision of Children
● Safeguarding and Child Protection
● Outings.
Use of Dummies in Preschool and Daycare
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we recognise that a dummy can be a source of comfort for a child who is settling and/or upset, and that it may often form part of a child’s sleep routine.
We also recognise that overuse of dummies may affect a child’s language development as it may restrict the mouth movements needed for speech. As babies get older they need to learn to move their mouths in different ways, to smile, to blow bubbles, to make sounds, to chew food and eventually to talk. As babies move their mouths and experiment with babbling sounds they are learning to make the quick mouth movements needed for speech. The more practice they get the better their awareness of their mouths and the better their speech will be.
Our preschool and daycare will:
● Discuss the use of dummies with parents as part of babies’ individual care plans
● Only allow dummies for comfort if a child is really upset (for example, if they are new to the setting or going through a transition) and/or as part of their sleep routine
● Store dummies in individual hygienic dummy boxes labelled with the child’s name to prevent cross-contamination with other children
● Immediately clean or sterilise any dummy or bottle that fall on the floor or is picked up by another child.
When discouraging the dummy staff will:
● Make each child aware of a designated place where the dummy is stored
● Comfort the child and, if age/stage appropriate, explain in a sensitive and appropriate manner why they do not need their dummy
● Distract the child with other activities and ensure they are settled before leaving them to play
● Offer other methods of comfort such as a toy, teddy or blanket
● Explain to the child they can have their dummy when they go home or at sleep time.
We will also offer support and advice to parents to discourage dummy use during waking hours at home and suggest ways in which the child can be weaned off their dummy through books and stories (when appropriate).
Nutrition and Mealtimes
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we believe that mealtimes should be happy, social occasions for children and staff alike. We promote shared, enjoyable positive interactions at these times.
As we do not offer any main meals from ourselves we encourageparents/ guardians to give their children healthy, nutritious and balanced meals and snacks which meet individual needs and requirements.
We will ensure that:
● A balanced and healthy breakfast, midday meal, tea and two daily snacks are provided for children attending a full day at the preschool and daycare
● All allergens are displayed alongside the menus to show the contents of each meal
● We advice parents to provide nutritious food at all snack and meal times, avoiding large quantities of fat, sugar, salt and artificial additives, preservatives and colourings
● Menus must include servings of fresh fruit and vegetables per day
● Parents and children are involved in menu planning
● Fresh drinking water is always available and accessible. It is frequently offered to children and babies and intake is monitored. In hot weather staff will encourage children to drink more water to keep them hydrated
● Individual dietary requirements are respected. We gather information from parents regarding their children’s dietary needs, including any special dietary requirements, preferences and food allergies that a child has and any special health requirements, before a child starts or joins the preschool/daycare. Where appropriate, we will carry out a risk assessment in the case of allergies and work alongside parents (If they are comfortable) to put into place an individual dietary plan for their child
● We give careful consideration to seating to avoid cross contamination of food from child to child. Where appropriate, an adult will sit with children during meals to ensure safety and minimise risks. Where appropriate, age/stage discussions will also take place with all children about allergies and potential risks to make them aware of the dangers of sharing certain foods
● Staff show sensitivity in providing for children’s diets and allergies. They do not use a child’s diet or allergy as a label for the child, or make a child feel singled out because of her/his diet or allergy
● Staff set a good example, and eat with the children and show good table manners. Meal and snack times are organised so that they are social occasions in which children and staff participate in small groups. During meals and snack times children are encouraged to use their manners and say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and conversation is encouraged
● Staff use meal and snack times to help children to develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink, and feeding themselves
● Staff support children to make healthy choices and understand the need for healthy eating
● Cultural differences in eating habits are respected
● Any child who shows signs of distress at being faced with a meal he/she does not like will have his/her food removed without any fuss. If a child does not finish his/her first course, he/she will still be given a helping of dessert.
● Children not on special diets are encouraged to eat a small piece of everything
● Children who refuse to eat at mealtime are offered food later in the day
● Children are given time to eat at their own pace and not rushed
● We encourage all parents to help their children to get well adjusted with the daily meal routine. This helps to grow healthy and timely appetite and learn food manners and social skills during a group mealtime.
● Quantities offered to take account of the ages of the children being catered for in line with recommended portion sizes for babies and young children
● We promote positive attitudes to healthy eating through play opportunities and discussions
● The preschool and daycare provides parents with daily written records of feeding routines for all children under age 2
● No child is ever left alone when eating/drinking to minimise the risk of choking
● We will sometimes celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, New Year, Eid, Pooja with the occasional treat of foods such as cake, sweets or biscuits. These will be given at mealtimes to prevent tooth decay and not spoil the child’s appetite. Where we have frequent birthdays and celebrations we consider other alternatives such as celebrating through smiles and praise, stickers and badges, choosing a favourite story, becoming a special helper, playing a party game, dancing and/or singing their favourite song
● All staff who prepare and handle food are competent to do so and receive training in food hygiene which is updated every three years
● From January 2020, We will not allow parents to bring in cakes on special occasions. We ensure that all food brought in from parents meets the above and health and safety requirements and ingredients and detailed in the allergens policy and procedure.
Food Play
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we ensure any food we use to play with the children is carefully supervised. We will also use the following procedures to
ensure children are kept safe:
● Choking hazards are checked and avoided
● We will not use whole jelly cubes for play. If we do use jelly to enhance our play then all jelly will be prepared with water as per the instructions and then used
● Small objects such as dried pasta and pulses will only be used for older children and under supervision
● All allergies and intolerances will be checked and activities will be adapted to suit all children’s needs so no child is excluded
● All activities including food will be included on the planning sheets showing all allergens so all staff and parents are aware of the ingredients
● Children’s allergies will be visible to staff when placing out food play activities to ensure all needs are met
● Any cooking activities will be checked prior to start to ensure all children are able to use all the ingredients based on their individual needs
● We will not use food in play unless it enhances the opportunities children are receiving from the activity. Many of the food will be reused in other activities, especially the dry materials.
Parents and Carers as Partners
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we believe that parents and staff need to work together in a close partnership in order for children to receive the quality of care and early learning to meet their individual needs. We welcome parents as partners and support a two-way sharing of information that helps establish trust and understanding. We are committed to supporting parents in an open and sensitive manner to include them as an integral part of the care and early learning team within the preschool and daycare.
The key person system supports engagement with all parents and will use strategies to ensure that all parents can contribute to their child’s learning and development. Parents contribute to initial assessments of children’s starting points on entry and they are kept well informed about their children’s progress. Parents are encouraged to support and share information about their children’s learning and development at home. The key person system ensures all practitioners use effective, targeted strategies and interventions to support learning that match most
children’s individual needs.
Our policy is to:
● Recognise and support parents as their child’s first and most important educators and to welcome them into the life of the preschool/daycare
● Generate confidence and encourage parents to trust their own instincts and judgement regarding their own child
● Welcome all parents into the preschool/daycare at any time and provide an area where parents can speak confidentially with us as required
● Ensure that all parents are aware of the preschool/daycare’s policies and procedures. Maintain regular contact with parents to help us to build a secure and beneficial working relationship for their children
● Support parents in their own continuing education and personal development including helping them to develop their parenting skills and inform them of relevant conferences, workshops and training
● Create opportunities for parents to talk to other adults in a secure and supportive environment through such activities as open days, parents’ evenings and a parents’ forum
● Inform parents about the range and type of activities and experiences provided for children, the daily routines of the setting, the types of food and drinks provided for children and events through the preschool and daycare website
● Operate a key person system to enable parents to establish a close working relationship with a named practitioner and to support two-way information sharing about each child’s individual needs both in preschool/daycare and at home. Parents are given the name of the key person of their child and their role when the child starts
● Inform parents on a regular basis about their child’s progress and involve them in shared record keeping. Parents’ evenings will be held at least twice a year. The preschool and daycare will consult with parents about the times of meetings to avoid excluding anyone
● Actively encourage parents to contribute to children’s learning through sharing observations, interests and experiences from home. This may be verbally, sharing photographs or in written form
● Agree the best communication method with parents e.g. email, face-to-face, telephone and share information about the child’s day, e.g. food eaten, activities, sleep times etc.
● Consider and discuss all suggestions from parents concerning the care and early learning of their child and preschool and daycare operation
● Provide opportunities and support for all parents to contribute their own skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of the preschool/daycare including signposting to relevant services, agencies and training opportunities
● Inform all parents of the systems for registering queries, compliments, complaints or suggestions, and to check that these systems are understood by parents
● Make sure all parents have access to our written complaints procedure
● Share information about the Early Years Foundation Stage, young children’s learning in the preschool/daycare, how parents can further support learning at home and where they can access further information
● Provide a written contract between the parent(s) and the preschool and daycare regarding conditions of acceptance and arrangements for payment
● Respect the family’s religious and cultural backgrounds and beliefs and accommodate any special requirements wherever possible and practical to do so
● Find out the needs and expectations of parents. We will do this through regular feedback via questionnaires, suggestion system and encouraging parents to review working practices. We will evaluate any responses and publish these for parents with an action plan to inform future, policy and staff development
Conflict Resolution with Parents and Aggressive Behaviour Policy
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare, we believe that we have a strong partnership with our parents and an open-door policy to discuss any matters arising (if applicable).
If as a parent you have any concerns or issues you wish to raise with the preschool and daycare then please follow the complaints procedure.
In the case of a parent emailing, calling or using social media to complain about the preschool and daycare will direct them to the correct procedure for raising a complaint. We have a zero-tolerance on abusive calls, emails, social media contact and face to face
Abusive Calls
The call taker receiving an abusive call will ask the caller to follow the complaints policy. If the abuse continues the call taker will end the call. Any abusive calls will be logged with an outline of the conversation.
Abusive emails
The responder will ask the parents to come into the setting to speak in person, as per our complaints policy. If the emails persist the manager may seek legal action. All emails will be kept as evidence until the matter is resolved.
Social Media
If slanderous or abusive messages appear on any social media sites we will address these immediately with a request to follow our complaints procedure. We will endeavour to resolve any issues raised through our complaints procedure. If slanderous/abusive messages continue we will seek legal action against the complainant
In the event that any person inside the preschool and daycare starts to act in an aggressive manner at the preschool and daycare, our policy is to:
● Direct the person away from the children and into a private area,such as the office(where appropriate)
● Ensure that a second member of staff is in attendance, where possible, whilst continuing to ensure the safe supervision of the children
● Remain calm and professional in order to calm the aggressive person, making it clear that we do not tolerate aggressive or abusive language or behavior
● If the aggressive behaviour continues or escalates we will contact the police in order to ensure the safety of our staff team, children and families
● If the person calms down and stops the aggressive behaviour a member of staff will listen to their concerns and try to resolve the issue
● Following an aggressive confrontation an incident form will be completed detailing the time, reason and any action taken
● Any aggressive behaviour from a parent could result in the withdrawal of a place for the child/ren. Parents will be informed, by the management team, in writing within 3 days of any incident that involved aggressive or threatening behaviour to their staff.
● Management will provide support and reassurance to any staff member involved in such an incident
● Management will signpost parents to organisations/professionals that can offer support if applicable
Termination and Suspention Policy
Occasionally, a child will experience some difficulty in adapting to the daycare’s environment or abiding by the daycare rules of behavior. A conference will be scheduled if your child should experience some difficulty. We will work closely with you to see if the problem can be resolved. If the child’s behavior continues to be disruptive to the group, we reserve the right to ask you to withdraw your child from daycare.
Parents/ legal guardians must give a month notice when voluntarily withdrawing child from BromleyBee Preschool and Daycare. All final payments through the end of the notice period, whether in attendance or not. If the rules and policies set forth are not followed, we reserve the right to terminate the daycare contract agreement at anytime. In such an event, we will be paid in full through the end of the week in which such termination occurs.
The child care arrangements will be terminated immediately for any of the
following reasons (but not limited to):
- If parent fail to comply with the policies set forth in our website
- Failure to comply with the contract.
- Destructive or hurtful behavior of a child that persists even with parent cooperation in stopping the behavior.
- Non-payment of childcare or late fees and/or recurring late payment of fees.
- Repeated failure to drop off or pick up the child at scheduled times.
- Failure to show up for 5 consecutive days without any communication.
- Inability to meet the child’s needs without additional staff.
- Blatant disrespect, abusive language, discrimation towards the staff and anyone leagaly represent BromleyBee or towards other children or their parents.
- If a parent knowingly brings their child ill.
- Consistent child-rearing style differences between the parent and provider.
- False information given by a parent either verbally or in writing.
- BromleyBee Early Years desserves the right to suspend or terminate care of any child without any notice, should it be deemed necessary for overall safety and well-being of staff and/ or other children in our care.
Access and Storage of Information
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we do not have an open access policy in relation to accessing information about the preschool/daycare and parents’ own children. This policy is subject to the laws relating to data protection and document retention.
Parents are welcome to view the policies and procedures of the preschool and daycare which govern the way in which the preschool and daycare operates. These may be viewed at any time when the preschool and daycare is open, simply by asking the preschool and daycare manager
or by accessing on the preschool and daycare website.
Parents are also welcome to see and contribute to all the records that are kept on their child. However, we must adhere to data protection laws and, where relevant, any guidance from the relevant agencies for child protection.
All parent, child and staff information is stored securely according to the requirements of data protection, including details, permissions, certificates and photographic images. We will ensure that staff understand the need to protect the privacy of the children in their care as well as the legal requirements that exist to ensure that information relating to the child is handled in a way that ensures confidentiality.
Late Collection and Non-Collection
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we expect all parents to agree an approximate time to collect their child from the preschool/daycare. We give parents information about the procedures to follow if they expect to be late. These include:
● Calling the preschool/daycare as soon as possible to advise of their situation
● Asking a designated adult to collect their child wherever possible
● Informing the preschool/daycare of this person’s identity so the preschool and daycare can talk to the child if appropriate. This will help to reduce or eliminate any distress caused by this situation
● If the designated person is not known to the preschool and daycare staff, the parent must provide a detailed description of this person, including their date of birth where known. If a child has not been collected from the preschool/daycare after a reasonable amount of time, for example 30 minutes has been allowed for lateness, we initiate the following procedure:
● The preschool and daycare manager will be informed that a child has not been collected
● The manager will check for any information regarding changes to normal routines, parents’ work patterns or general information. If there is no information recorded, the manager will try to contact the parents on the telephone numbers provided for their mobile, home or work. If this fails the manager will try the emergency contacts shown on the child’s records
● The manager/staff member in charge and one other member of staff must stay behind with the child (if outside normal operating hours). During normal operating times, the preschool and daycare will plan to meet the required staff ratios. If the parents have still not collected the child, the manager will telephone all contact numbers available every 10 minutes until contact is made. These calls will be logged on a full incident record
● In the event of no contact being made after one hour has lapsed, the person in charge will ring the local authority children’s social services emergency duty team
● The two members of staff will remain in the building until suitable arrangements have been made for the collection of the child
● In order to provide this additional care a late fee of £10 (1000BDT) per 30 minutes will be charged to parents. This will pay for any additional operational costs that caring for a child outside their normal preschool/daycare hours may incur.
Our Admissions policy forms part of this policy.
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we care for children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years for daycare and 2 years to 5 years for preschool.
The admission requires a one-time non-refundable Registration Fee and one nonrefundable miscellaneous fee will be added at the end of each year. The monthly fees are expected to be paid at the beginning of each month. BromleyBee Early Years will have the right to determine all the fees and charges applicable.
The numbers and ages of children admitted to the preschool/daycare comply with the legal space requirements set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). When considering admissions we are mindful of staff: child ratios and the facilities available at the preschool and daycare.
Our preschool and daycare will use the following admission criteria which will be applied in the following order of priority:
- Looked after children
- Children who have siblings who are already with us
- Children whose parents live within the area
A child requiring a full-time place may have preference over one requiring a part-time place. This is dependent upon work commitments, occupancy and room availability.
We operate an inclusion and equality policy and ensure that all children have access to preschool and daycare places and services irrespective of their gender, race, disability, religion or belief or sexual orientation of parents.
Prior to a child attending preschool/daycare, parents must complete and sign a contract and registration form. These forms provide the preschool/daycare with personal details relating to the child. For example, name, date of birth, address, emergency contact details, parental responsibilities, dietary requirements, collection arrangements, fees and sessions, contact details for parents, doctor’s contact details, health visitor contact details, allergies, parental consent and vaccinations etc.
Arrivals and Departures
At Bromley Bee Early Years International Preschool and Daycare we give a warm welcome to every child and family on their arrival.
Parents are requested to pass the care of their child to a specific member of staff who will ensure his/her safety. The staff member receiving the child immediately records his/her arrival in the daily attendance register. The staff member also records any specific information provided by the parents, including the child’s interests, experiences and observations from home.
If the parent requests the child is given medicine during the day the staff member must ensure that the medication procedure is followed.
If the child is to be collected by someone who is not the parent at the end of the session, there is an agreed procedure that must be followed to identify the designated person. Photo identification is also required where possible for the designated adult. Parents are informed about these arrangements and reminded about them regularly.
The child’s key person or another nominated staff member must plan the departure of the child. This should include opportunities to discuss the child’s day with the parent, e.g. meals, sleep time, activities, interests, progress and friendships. The parent should be told about any accidents or incidents and the appropriate records must be signed by the parent before departure. Where applicable, all medicines should be recovered from the medicine box/fridge after the parent has arrived and handed to him/her personally. The medication policy is to be followed regarding parental signature.
The preschool and daycare will not release a child to anyone other than the known parent unless an agreement has been made at the time of arrival. In the case of any emergency such as a parent being delayed and arranging for a designated adult to collect a child, the parent should inform the designated person of the agreed procedure and contact the preschool and
daycare about the arrangements as soon as possible. If in any doubt the preschool and daycare will check the person’s identity by ringing the child’s parent or their emergency contact number (please refer to the late collection policy).
On departure, the staff member releasing the child must mark the child register immediately marked to show that the child has left the premises.
Adults arriving under the influence of alcohol or drugs Parents/ carers/ guardians may be refused to collect children if BromleyBee have reasons to
believe that they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs or in mentaly unstable condition.
Adults arriving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Parents/ carers/ guardians may be refused to collect children if BromleyBee have reasons to believe that they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs or in mentally unstable condition.
BromleyBee Early Years reserves the right to review these policies on a regular basis and make changes and update.